Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Swim Lessons!

Tinker and her "teacher" as she calls her!

My little fish...
We started swim lessons this week. This kids were super excited! It was perfect timing because it is so hot out! They both get in the water by themselves....this is the first year that Tinker has gotten in without me or Matt. They did great! Lily is a fish a just hops around...she couldn't be happier. She LOVES it! Aidan's class is a little more about actually learning to swim...so he is having to put his head under water a lot. I am just proud of him for trying. After the first day I thought to myself...he is not going to like this. But, slowly but surely he is doing great. It is a nice chance for them to get to go to Aquaport and have some fun in the water. Belle and I just sit in the side and cheer them on!

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