Wednesday, June 1, 2011


That is right...look closely and you will see that Aidan is riding completely on his own!

Aidan told Matt this weekend that he wanted to take his training wheels off his bike. Matt said okay and told him a few tricks about how to start on his, how to stop and how to make turns. It was not but 10 minutes later and he was a pro! I was shocked! I shoes, no helmet (not that that is a good thing) but he did it with no problem! Aidan was SO proud! Matt and I were sooo proud! We just couldn't believe it! He has been a bike riding fool ever since. We have made several tips around the block, up and down hills....and he is just amazing! It is like when he decides to do something...he does it! Aidan really thinks he is big now. He is like, "Mom, I lost my tooth and now I am riding with only 2 wheels....I am such a big boy..I mean a really big boy!" We agree....our little boy is getting bigger and bigger every day!

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