Wednesday, June 1, 2011

~Memorial Day Weekend~

These two LOVE to swim!

We decided that this pool was a bit too little for these two wild ones! This pool became Anabelle's and we needed up getting a bigger for Aidan and Lily!
Anabelle was all set for some summer fun!

Memorial Day weekend was a blast! Finally, some hot weather. The kids played outside all day long! We swam, rode bikes, and BBQ! It was some great family fun!

On Monday Matt left for his work trip and we headed to Cape to see my family! When we got to Cape we went to the park with Ella and Sam! Then we headed to my mom's. The kids played on a slip-n-slide and then we went back to Beth's house for some more playing! The next day we woke up and went to the Conservation Center. We went on a hike and explored. Then we headed back to Cape. It was a fun weekend!

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