Saturday, June 25, 2011

~Father's Day~

Aidan made Matt a necklace with a pattern. he worked very hard on it and was very proud of it!

Daddy gets a hug from his Tinker!
Matt and his dad with all the kids!
Rocket balloons were a huge success! I see us buying more of these in the future!

The kids had a blast with the balloons. They spent the afternoon launching and chasing the balloons!

Anabelle Devaney LOVES her water table!

We waited until Belle was almost able to walk before we put together her water table. She loves to stand there and splash! She really likes to scoop the water out and dump it on the ground. The other 2 enjoyed the new table as well!

We spent Father's Day watching the Cardinals game, enjoying some great food and BBQ, and playing outside (swimming of course!) It was a great day!

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