Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I am thinking today....

I find myself thinking about so many things today...
1. Today was Aidan's last day of school. I found myself a bit teary eyed when I dropped him off this morning and realized that this is his last day of "not real school". Now he is officially in kindergarten!
2. My last day of school is Friday and I am so looking forward to some days with my kids and NO WORK!
3. Why does the weather have to be so crazy? Aidan's school called at 3:15 today and said I needed to pick him up because of the tornado warnings. I rushed out and was in a a panic trying to pick up all 3 kids before the storm hit. When I got to Ms. Amy's-she had the kids in the basement. I was a little scared for just a minute. Luckily-it passed.
4. My poor buddy's asthma has been acting up lately...that always makes me worry!
5. Anabelle is probably on her last can of formula before starting whole milk. Where has the time gone? My baby is getting so big and this is a stage that we will be done with forever. I find myself a little sad. Just a bit!
6. Why does my hubby have to work so much! I wonder what it would be like to have a husband who actually works 9 to 5? I probably shouldn't think about it too much because it will never happen!
7. I have been planning things to do in the summer with the kids-swimming lessons, T-ball, Safety Town, VBS, and Lily will attend camp for the first time by herself....have I over done it?
8. I got a treatment done on my hair and I love it that it takes me 15 minutes to get get ready in the morning.
9. My Tinker doesn't like to take naps very much anymore...slowly she is trying to get out of them How will I deal with that this summer?
10. How do you accumulate so many toys and yet very few of them seem to get played with???
11. I went to get a drink of tea and thought it tasted a little funny. After another drink, I realized that someone had pured their chocolate milk in my tea...hmmm...if i was guessing I would say-TINKER!
12. 2 more days of work and then I will have plenty of time to think even more!

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