Monday, May 23, 2011

~Mother's Day Weekend~

Our new nephew Colin!

Matt gets some time with Colin!

Our own little monkey climbs a tree!
Tristen, Aidan and Lily at the parade!
There was plenty of candy to grab!
Anabelle Devaney at her 1st parade! It was a little hot for her! Anabelle and Lily had on matching dresses! They looked adorable! It was the 1st time I out them in matching dresses
and it was sooo cute! I see more of that in our future!

We went out to dinner for Mother's Day on the loop! I get a hug from my Lily!

Anabelle is obsessed with watching birds! Sitting outside at the loop for dinner was perfect for her!

It was a fun Mother''s Day weekend. Dinner out, a parade, and being with my family! Just perfect!

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