Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A wonderful start to Spring Break!

I have enjoyed this spring break so much! The weather has been amazing and we have gotten to spend so much time together as a family...it has been great. We are 4 for 4 for going to the park....that is...4 days in a row. The kids have just loved playing outside! We have actually rode bikes, played in the sand box, gotten out some sidewalk chalk, and enjoyed lots of time outside!

Anabelle Devaney on the way home from the park.....sound asleep!
Nana bought this dress for Lily and she has worn it 3 days in a row....she loves it! Thank goodness the weather has been warm!

Aidan has been learning how to pump.....he is getting the hang of it!
Anabelle enjoys a swing ride with daddy!
The kids look so big riding their bikes to the park.....BUT...they still need their daddy to help them up the hills and to cross the street!

This makes me laugh because this will be Matt's job for a while...nobody likes big hills!

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