Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A busy weekend!

We went home for Sam's birthday this weekend and it was very eventful. A trip to the hospital, a birthday party and lots of fun! The kids had a blast at Sam's birthday! I forgot my camera so I didn't get to take any pics. Matt was working all weekend so we made the trip by ourselves. Of course the kids cried when we had to leave.

My mom took Aidan to church. They had a conversation on the way to church that went something like this...

Aidan: Nana, did you know that god is invisible?
Nana: Well, God is everywhere...that is true.
Aidan: No Nana, I am pretty sure he is invisible. I say a prayer at school where I put my hand over my heart and say, "I pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, God is invisible.....
Nana (laughing): Well buddy, I guess your right.

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