Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Lily and Aidan got a Cake Makin' Station for Valentine's Day! They were very excited! We went home to Cape for the weekend and they Nana and Pa Pa through them a Valentine's Day party. They had decorations, played games (Pin the tail on the Donkey or Nana's version....Pin the chick in the farmyard) and ate ice cream cake.

It was a fun Valentine's Day.
Anabelle got a sleeper!
The 3 kiddos on Valentine's Day! They looked so cute. (Anabelle is wearing Lily's Polo dress that my mom bought is 3 months.)
My sweet Valentine!
Anabelle was all dressed up in pink and red....she even had heart socks.
The day ended with Pei Wei for dinner. It was a treat. The kids had fun with the chopsticks!

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