Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lily Claire's 1st Dance Recital

On December 9th we went to Tinker's dance recital and it was soooo cute! Nana came up and we watched her perform! I thought she might get a little shy on the stage but she did great! Oh my goodness it was sooo cute! I think we were all smiling ear to ear! Aidan said, "She looked beautiful and was the best dancer!" I am so glad we put her in dance. She really loves it and has been doing her little routine non-stop! I was SO PROUD of my little girl!

I was almost a little teary eyes watching her! It was so sweet!
Needless to say she loved her outfit!
Aidan got "dressed up" to watch her! I think he was her biggest fan!

These two are 2 peas in pod!

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