Monday, December 27, 2010


Christmas morning....
The coolest rocket ever...
Tinker gets Strawberry Shortcake.
Christmas Eve...Tinker unwraps presents from Nana and Pa Pa...

Lily hugs her new tutu while Aidan unwraps the clock he wanted so much!

We headed to Cape on Thursday and from there on it was nothing but Christmas fun!

Thursday: Went to Beth's to play and hang out and then to my parent's house for their Christmas party! (FUN!)

Friday: To Church and then to open presents with family. Big dinner and lots of fun with my family!

Saturday: Santa came and then to my grandparents while Aidan. Matt, and dad went to the woods! Came back and relaxed and enjoyed some more time with my mom and dad!

Sunday: Headed home and then went to Matt's parents to have Christmas again!

It was was chaotic...and it was fun! The kids had a great Christmas and we had so much fun visiting with family and playing with our cousins! The kids got everything they wanted from Santa and now our house is bursting at the seams! We have so much to be thankful for and are so lucky to have so many people to share the holidays with! What a great Christmas!

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