Sunday, November 28, 2010

What a great weekend!

We set off for my parent house on Thursday. Got to Cape...had Thanksgiving dinner and then just hung out for the night. The kids were so excited to get to play with Ella and Sam. My dad was there the whole weekend which was so great! Friday my mom watched the kids and I went shopping with Beth. We met at Target at 3:45 a.m. We had a blast shopping and hanging out! Then, I went back to my mom's house. My mom and I went shopping with the girls and Pap Pa and Aidan spent the day together hanging out. They went to the club, did a little shopping, and spent some quality time together. We got the girls their Christmas dresses and now we are all set for the holidays! Beth came down with the kids again and we all hung out. Aidan and Lily took turns sleeping with Nana...which was a big treat. This trip Lily couldn't get enough of her Nana. We left on Saturday and came home early so we could see Matt. He had put up the Christmas lights by the time we got home and we made a fantastic dinner. The kids were so happy to see their daddy! On Sunday, I made crock pot meatloaf...we decorated the Christmas tree, and Matt put the finishing touches on the outside decorations. It definitely looks like Christmas at our house! Oh, I love the holidays and all the fun that come with them. The kids were really in to putting up the tree. The Christmas tree itself tells the story of our life. Every year we get the kids an ornament that signifies what they are into at that time or something special about them personally. We all had a blast looking at little pink and blue booties, a bus, the tinker bell ornament, Shrek, Toy Story, the cheeseburger...and so many more. I may be feeling a bit sentimental but I have to ask myself...does it get any better than this????

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