Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Downtown Kirkwood~Halloween Take 1

Matt had to work on Halloween but we went down to Kirkwood that Thursday before and did a little trick-or-treating. They historic downtown basically closes down and the stores all hand out candy! It was super fun and the kids had a blast. I was so happy that we still got to celebrate Halloween as a family! The kids loved that they got to trick-or-treat twice!

The kids saw Spiderman on the street and were pretty impressed!
I was so happy Matt got to see the kids trick-or-treat!
Tinker likes to eat a little and then do a little trick or treating....
The princess and Iron Man looked pretty cute!

We ate dinner at Dewey's which was a big treat and the kids got a kick out of the guys making pizza!
We love anything with weapons!
I mean...can you say...P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S!!!!!!!!!!!

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