Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Anabelle Devaney~6 months old!

Now that Belle is 6 months old we have been "trying" different foods. I can honestly say that some days she wants food and other days she hates it! She is getting the hang of the spoon and I crack up on the days she wants to eat because she slurps it up! SO far we have beans (not a favorite), squash (, sweet potatoes (yum! Yum!), applesauce ( and pears (not sure yet...) HATES CEREAL! Even though she doesn't like it she still smiles but closes her mouth and pinches her lips shut. Sometimes I know she has had enough because she starts to cry then dinner is over!
I hope she gets in a groove because I want my sweet pea to grow. At her 6 month check up she was...
Weight: 9th % 13lbs 9 oz.
Height: 8th %
But she is meeting all her milestones and doing great! She smiles and laughs all the time!

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