Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A fun weekend at the zoo!

Look how cute Anabelle looks! This was her first time at the zoo!
The giraffes were a big hit!
Tinker....her pants were just a little too big! This made me laugh all day long!

Aidan and lily LOVED the Stingrays! The day we went just happened to be the last day before they go away to their "winter home". We fed and petted them! It was really neat.

Anabelle actually gets her frog spinning on her car seat!

We love the penguins! It is one of our favorites! Lily was especially excited to see some penguins!
Beth and Byron and the kids came up and stayed the weekend! We has so much fun! We went to the zoo, watched Aidan's soccer game and hung out a ton! The kids laughed and played all weekend and I got to spend some time with my sister! It was a great weekend!

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