Friday, September 17, 2010

Belle is 5 months old!

Anabelle Devaney is full of tricks! Her newest trick is to lay on her back and grab her feet. Now, she hasn't been able to reach them to put them in her mouth but it is so darn cute. I will get a picture of it soon! Belle continues to talk up a storm and suck on her fingers more than ever. She is so happy and is a pretty good sleeper. She laughs and smiles at the drop of a hat. She loves bath time and now tries to grab my wash rag and put it in her mouth. She is slowly outgrowing some of her outfits but we can still wear a few newborns and 0-3 months. That's ok....she is just a little short right now like her mommy! We have been bed buddies since Matt has been sleeping on the couch due to his knee. I love to lay in bed and look at how darn beautiful she is! She is my miracle and I am reminded of that every day when I see her smile and watch her sleep!

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