Friday, August 20, 2010

Belle is 4 months old!!!

This is Belle's new trick...holding her legs in there. She hasn't grabbed them yet

She is also quite the talker and has really discovered her hands!

ALL usual!

Mommy wants a picture with her sweet baby!
Talking and smiling right after a tubby!

My sleeping beauty!

Lily gives her sister a kiss!

Smile for mommy!

Belle is 4 months old! I have been taking pictures of her all week! She is talking and moving like crazy! She puts her hands in the air and can bring them together. She kicks her legs and I know it won't be long until she grabs one! She is so happy and is getting bigger and bigger every day! Yesterday Aidan and lily had her belly laughing. I have never seen a baby laugh like that before! She started at Mrs. Amy's this week and seems to be adjusting ok. (Probably better than mommy....)

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