Thursday, July 15, 2010

The kids...

Aidan loves life!
He loves guns and swords and anything that shoots!
He loves the hose!
He continues to love Buzz Lightyear!
He loves to play with friends!
He loves to swim!
He loves his new sister!
He loves to do projects with his dad!

Lily loves to take her shoes off.
Lily loves to take her clothes off (so does Aidan)
Lily loves to wear ponytails!
She loves princesses!
She loves to do whatever her big brother does!
She loves to draw!
She loves playdough!
Lily marches to her own drum!

Belle goes everywhere with me!
She is very laid back!
She loves to smile!
She loves to be held!
She loves her pink polka dot blanket!
She loves to swing!

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