Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sleeping Beauty!

More Creation Station Fun!

Tinker makes an art project!
Officer Steinmetz gives me the thumbs up!

Aidan loves to be a "police officer" like his daddy!


Daddy with his 3 little cutie pies!

We love you Daddy!
Daddy and Belle relax!

July 24th was Matty's birthday! He played golf and then our old neighbor's came over to hang out! The kids sung "Happy Birthday" and we went to the store and picked out some yummy Gilly's cupcakes!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What I Love About Summer...

10. I can call my mom at anytime during the day to chat!
9. I get to linger in bed in the morning....
8. I actually have time to make coffee and enjoy it!
7. I get to run errands and not feel stressed!
6. I get to have play dates with friends!
5. I get to hang out with my hubby and sit outside and relax the night away!
4. I get to take Aidan, Lily and Belle out for little adventures!
3. Schedule???? Who cares!
2. I take an afternoon nap with Belle every day and cuddle with her!
1. IT'S SUMMER! (I don't have to work!!!!!!!!!!!)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Bottoms Up!!!!!!!!

Look at that cute baby bum! Belle is ready for a bath...spits up on daddy...and I still run to get the camera because that little bottom is soooo sweet!

Brotherly Love...!

Aidan was very proud that he could lay by Belle on the couch and "not her her and be very careful!"

Anabelle gets a little floor time!

I love it...she looks so darn cute!
This is her new trick...she just started putting her feet together in the air!

Belle is still sooo little!

My happy girl! This is Belle....she is so happy and smiles at everything! Ahhh..we are so lucky to have her! Just looking at her makes me smile!

Tinker loves to finger paint!

Tinker does a little painting after her ENT check up! The doctor said her ears look great so the fluid drained when she had her tonsils and adenoids removed!

The dolphin pool sprung a leak and of course we couldn't possibly live without a pool! Luckily, I already had this one on reserve!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday Fun-Day!

Aidan and Tinker were sooo excited! This was a really big deal to them!

Last weekend it was raining so we all went out to breakfast at a new place and then headed to the movies to see Toy Story 3! We surprised the kids and they were soooo excited! Aidan and Lily loved the movie and of course Belle was as good as gold! That evening we went swimming in the neighbor's pool! What a great family day!

Things we do to beat the heat....

We make necklaces!

We build the highest towers ever (of course in our underwear...I mean...are these kids ever clothed!)

We swim!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Anabelle is 3 months old!

I love to watch her sleep!

Belle loves bath time now! Oh it so cute to watch her laugh and smile in the sink!

She is getting so big!

Train Station Fun!

Lily and Tyler were sooo cute together!

I met Jessica and her two boys at the Train Station...Aidan was at VBS so I took the girls to Creation Station for some fun and to beat the heat!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The kids...

Aidan loves life!
He loves guns and swords and anything that shoots!
He loves the hose!
He continues to love Buzz Lightyear!
He loves to play with friends!
He loves to swim!
He loves his new sister!
He loves to do projects with his dad!

Lily loves to take her shoes off.
Lily loves to take her clothes off (so does Aidan)
Lily loves to wear ponytails!
She loves princesses!
She loves to do whatever her big brother does!
She loves to draw!
She loves playdough!
Lily marches to her own drum!

Belle goes everywhere with me!
She is very laid back!
She loves to smile!
She loves to be held!
She loves her pink polka dot blanket!
She loves to swing!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Caught you....

Look who found their thumb.....

What to do on a!

Can you guess which is Aidan's and which is Lily's....

Aidan went to VBS and Lily and I went to the park and the library. I finally paid my library fine! Then Matt took the kids swimming in our neighbor's pool! I decided to make cookies with the kids because it was just too hot to go outside with Belle. They both wanted to crack the egg! I let Tinker crack the egg and she missed the bowl and went..."Oh shit...oh shit mommy!" I was floored. Needless to say...Matt had a wasp in his car yesterday and guess what words flew out of his mouth....

This is Tinker with No Nap!

This is what happens to my sweet girl at 6:20 when she has no nap....

Monday, July 12, 2010

Can you say....F-U-N!!!

The kids loved this. They were glued to the screen!

Aidan is doing a trick in the pool!

Belle looked so sweet!

We went to Mark and Kelly's house so the kids could play with Caleb! It was beautiful outside and the kids loved playing in the pool (except for Tinker's minor fall and fat lip) and running around outside with Caleb! When it got dark Mark put on a movie with a projector and the kids watched it outside! They loved it!!! Aidan had been telling everyone about the "soft TV" he watched that was "really, really, big". Oh...what fun! Then on Saturday we took Aidan and Lily to AquaPort...they had lots of fun swimming. Nana came up and watched the kids so Matt and I could go out for our Anniversary! We took Belle and went to the Schlafley Tap Room downtown and then had some drinks afterwards. It was so much fun! Nana took the kids out to eat and then shopping! On Sunday, we had with donuts with Nana at the Donut Shop and then the Daley's over and watched the World Cup Finals. It was a great I love summer!