Sunday, June 27, 2010

Soccer Camp is a Success!!!!!

I took Lily and Belle to the movies one day while Aidan went to camp! This was Lily's first time! She loved the popcorn and drinks!!!

Aidan gets his certificate for participating in the camp!

The last day of camp was costume was a very cute idea and hilarious to see all these kids running around playing soccer in costumes. Aidan came as Buzz Lightyear but mid way through him and another little buy switched costumes and he became Batman!

Look at those dribbling skills!

Looking good during a game!!!!!!!
Aidan just finished soccer camp and all in all it was great! It was a little hot but I thought that the camp was a lot of fun! He seems pretty interested in the game and actually was pretty good! I was proud and Matt was too! He looks so darn cute in his uniform! With his hair.... he just looks like he was born to play soccer!

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