Thursday, June 17, 2010

Belle's 2 month check up!

We had Anabelle's 2 month check up today! Doctor said she looked great! She was only in the 8th percentile for sweet little girl! She is 9 lbs 13 oz. which is the 24th percentile! She had to get 3 shots! Poor Girl! She is growing like a weed! I then had a meeting and took Belle with me. When I got home...she had a meltdown. She cried more today then she ever has in her whole 40 minutes. Oh...I was stressed out! Matt was at work and I had to put on a show and have the tv entertain my kids. I felt so bad for her. I knew it was her shots and the day was maybe too much for her. I gave her a bath and I was literally flabbergasted because she just doesn't cry. If she does cry...she stops as soon as I pick her up. Eventually, I gave her a little Tylenol and she calmed down after a while....Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow!

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