Monday, June 28, 2010

CAN I BE ANY CUTER????????????

Let me just say that Belle is sooo cute and I just can't get enough of her smiles!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I am so proud of my Tinker!

My Tinker went pee pee and poo poo on the potty today!!! Yeah...Tinker!

Anabelle Devaney sweet girl!!!!!!!!!

I love it....if you smile at Belle she will just coo and smile back! She is talking more and more every day! Oh...she is sooo precious!

Swimming and Ice Cream.....

We were all very excited when the ice cream truck visited our street! It was a great surprise!

Belle posed in the pool with daddy!

The kids were sooo excited to swim in Rich's pool! They have been asking and asking and Matt took them over there a few times this weekend! Aidan finally discovered he can touch in spots! We love to swim!


We met the Miller's to see Babaloo! The show was great and I think the kids enjoyed it for the most part! The way out was a little rough...Aidan was crying because Caleb left and Lily refused to put her shoes on. Then she decided to lay in the street so I was literally dragging her across the street...carrying Anabelle...with Aidan crying. Ooh....I am sure people looked at me thought, "Have you ever heard of birth control lady...?" We made it through...some days are great and some days are not so great....but we all survived.

Soccer Camp is a Success!!!!!

I took Lily and Belle to the movies one day while Aidan went to camp! This was Lily's first time! She loved the popcorn and drinks!!!

Aidan gets his certificate for participating in the camp!

The last day of camp was costume was a very cute idea and hilarious to see all these kids running around playing soccer in costumes. Aidan came as Buzz Lightyear but mid way through him and another little buy switched costumes and he became Batman!

Look at those dribbling skills!

Looking good during a game!!!!!!!
Aidan just finished soccer camp and all in all it was great! It was a little hot but I thought that the camp was a lot of fun! He seems pretty interested in the game and actually was pretty good! I was proud and Matt was too! He looks so darn cute in his uniform! With his hair.... he just looks like he was born to play soccer!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Magic Mud!

Too hot to take Belle outside so instead we made Magic Mud! The kids thought it was so cool! They are already asking when we can make it again! Fun to do on a hot day and on my summer project list...check!

Fun with our buddy Caleb!

Today we went and met Caleb for some McDonald's and then off to the train store. It was so nice because there wasn't anyone in the train store. It was great! Aidan and Caleb were so cute in their conversation today at McDonald's. This McDonald's has a huge play place. They would occasionally not be able to find each other. Caleb would say..."Aidan I couldn't find you...I was worried." Aidan replied, "Oh, I am right here...don't be worried." It went on and on. Kelly and I laughed as our boys shared a heart to heart! Tomorrow we are off to Babaloo...with the Miller's...a pleasant surprise for the kids....

Anabelle Devaney smiles!

Belle is now 8 weeks old and has really started cooing and talking. If you smile at her...she will smile back! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Father's Day!

Father's Day was full of swimming and splashing around in the pool at grandma and grandpa's house! They BBQ and the kids was hot but fun!

Look what Aidan just found at Grandma's....Army men like from Toy Story...good thing we just got a new Buzz and Woody! How exciting!Aidan wanted me to take a picture of his newest addition to his collection....a miniature Buzz and Woody! It matched the army men perfectly!

Tristan's Birthday Party! isn't time to Trick or Treat...these silly kids wanted to dress up!

We kept Tristan on Friday so Jay and Jamie could do some running around. We were so happy to have him and the kids had fun playing....they decided to get into the Halloween costumes!!!! On Saturday, we went to Tristan's 2nd Birthday Party and had soooo much fun! It was at Vetta and the kids loved it! Lily kept saying..."Can I do that again?" after every slide!

Happy Birthday Buddy...