Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fun at the farm!

Aidan and Lily playing in the golf cart! Tinker ate about 100 Popsicles!
Anabelle sleeps though most of the exciting fishing action!

You know that Aidan is tired when he falls asleep on the tractor!

My 3 darlings!

Big brother and Belle!

Aidan catches a big fish! He looks so cute in his boots!

Tinker looks her fish over!
Yay! I caught my first fish!
My big boy and big girl....I love this picture!

Since Matt was still on leave from having the baby we decided to make the most of it and go to the farm. The kids had a blast...we went fishing, rode the tractor, golf cart, lawn mowers, and ran around and played. It was amazing watching Aidan and Lily fish...they were so cute and it reminded me of when I would go fishing with my dad. As soon as Matt would cast Aidan's pole out...Lily would be reeling hers in. Then Aidan would reel his in. Matt was doing a lot of untangling fishing lines and keeping the bait on the poles. It was a fun experience. Belle and I watched and laughed. Lily liked to dip her pole in the water. Tinker caught her very first fish all by herself. It was great family fun!

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