Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Anabelle-29 weeks

I thought I would take a minute to post since I am here at home today. Anabelle has been busy in my belly. I have been contracting and off work for a few days. Apparently though, this is normal since it is my 3rd baby! I just want her to be healthy! I have had a sense of "nesting" I guess. I feel like I need to get everything done. All I could think about when I was contracting was...
"OMG...I don't have her baby book yet..."
"The room isn't ready..."
"What am I going to bring her home in?"
"Please let her be okay..."

Doctor said that I will need to just adjust my schedule a bit at work so I can take frequent breaks and lay down when I contract. She said it is bound to happen so I just need to be prepared. She said I might need to adjust my hours when I am 32 or 34 weeks....we will see. I am hoping that Anabelle hangs in there and if I just take it a bit easier at work...all will be well. We did get to see Anabelle this weekend when we were at the hospital. It is so amazing that our little girl is in my belly just kicking and growing every day. It really is a miracle and I feel so blessed.

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