Tuesday, February 9, 2010

AIDAN IS 4!!!!!!!!!!!

My big 4 year old in his new Buzz outfit on his birthday!

SOoooooexcited to open his presents!

A fun game we can all play together!

Aidan had wanted a "DS" for a long time!
Aidan woke up today and I heard the pitter patter of his feet. I jumped out of bed so I could meet him in the hall and started singing, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". He immediately told me that he could feel it....his legs were bigger and he was bigger. He told me that now he could run fast like Ella! I told him to go look on the foot of my bed. Then he saw it....HIS NEW BUZZ LIGHTYEAR OUTFIT! He was thrilled. He took orange Buzz Lightyear cupcakes to school. When I picke him up we headed to Denny's. Matt met us up there. We decied to give Aidan his presents since his party was not for another week and a half. When he opened his present he was ecstatic. He had finally gotten his DS (Leapster 2). It is such a great feeling to see your children so excited and happy. It was a great day! I can't believe we have a 4 year old!

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