Monday, January 18, 2010

Making the most of our MLK, Jr. Holiday!

Matt had to work today so I decided I wanted to do something fun with the kids. We headed to the Museum of Transportation. I wanted to take the kids to Creation Station. When we got there it was sold out. (I couldn't believe it!) So, we had about 2 hours to burn before we could go in for the next visit. We climbed and played on all the trains. I think the kids were so happy to be outside where they could yell and run around. They enjoyed it so much more this time. Aidan was really into the trains. He was pretending to drive the train like his Pa Pa! Then, we went to Creation Station which was so neat. The kids really enjoyed it. They played and had a great time. We were at the museum for 3 hours. It was a great way to spend my day off!

Aidan and Lily play store.
Lily is on the ship! "ALL ABOARD!"

Aidan is hangimg out on the ship.

The kids playing!

Engineer Aidan is driving like his Pa Pa!

"Choo! choo!!!"

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