Friday, July 31, 2015

Camping Trip (Part 2)

 One day it looked like rain so we headed to an old mill to check it out.

 Boys versus girls in bean bag toss!

The kids splashing around

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Camping Trip (Part 1)

 Anabelle spent most of her time hunting for tadpoles! She loved it!

 Anabelle giving her tadpole a kiss!

 That's some brotherly love!!!

 This is our 3rd year going camping with Beth and Byron. We love it! The kids have a blast and so do we! Because we always have so much fun we decided to make this trip 5 days instead of 3. We went on 2 canoe floats. The kids do really well in the canoe.  We aren't pros like Beth and Byron but we do pretty good! The highlight-we saw 132 turtles, 4 ducks, and a snake!  I do enjoy spending time with my sis!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Father's Day

Aidan helped Matt hang a fishing pole holder in our garage on Father's Day.  We went out to eat and to watch the Cardinal game and then came back and hung out with Matt!!!! This boy loves his dad and is a mini-Matt!

Take Me Out to the Ballgame....

 The kids were so excited. We saw 2 back to back home runs and then fireworks!!!!!

Summer time is all about the Cardinals and we had a blast at the game!!!!! We hope to make at least one more so daddy can be with us! The kids LOVE going to games!!!!!

{A Big Surprise}

Matt surprised Aidan and took the day off. My 2 favorite guys headed to the golf course. They had so much fun and got to spend some quality time together.


 The arch has made it way on our summer fun list a few times. Last year there was so  much construction and a detour that we decided to wait to go. This year we were determined to go.  The kids were pretty excited and really didn't know what to expect.  They were troopers as we parked kinda far away and had to do some walking (it was Anabelle that I worried about:). It was a super fun day!  They loved going up in the arch, They learned some fun facts and I know they will always remember it! This is what summer is all about....making memories!

Indian Creek

 Indian Creek is a little treasure about 20 minutes from our house. It is pretty neat. This was one of the things to do on our Summer Fun list. We were there all day. The kids had a blast. The only bad things is I got hit on the way home by a truck. My brand new car has a brand new dent! UGH!  However, we were all wearing our seat belts and are safe and sound!