Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Look who started ballet yesterday!
Not only did she start it.... but loves it.!!!! She has slept with the shoes and tried to change into her ballet clothes multiple times a day! Sooo stinkin' cute!


Soccer has officially begun! Lily and Aidan are both playing! Lily had her first game this weekend! She is holding up a 2...for the number of goals she scored in her first game!


I just have a feeling that one day these 2 will grow up to be best friends!


 Fall baseball is in full swing! It's been a busy start to school!  We spend a lot of time at the ball field!


We have went to a couple of fundraisers for our friends The Daleys! They have been fun and well worth the cause! We are so happy that Mateo will be coming soon!

2nd Grade and Kindergarten....Here we Come!

My BABY goes to SCHOOL!

 It is very hard to believe that Anabelle is starting school! The first week was rough! She cried at drop off. But now that sweet girl has the hang of it! She loves to talk all about "tool" (school)!  She is the littlest girl in her class so of course she gets lots and lots of hugs! Aidan and Lily were so excited for her first day of school! They are all three at one place so that makes it nice!!!!!

~My Girls~

This is an interesting way to use the water table on a hot day!