Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A look back at the year....

Anabelle Devaney Steinmetz
Born: April 15, 2010

2 weeks: H: 19.5 inches (18%) W: 7 lbs 4.5 oz (18%)

2 months: H: 21 in (8%) W: 9 lbs 13 oz (24%)

4 months: H: 23.25 in (16%) W: 11 lbs 11oz (12%)

6 months: H: 24.25 in (8%) W: 13 lbs 9 oz (9%)

9 months: H: 25.6 in (4%) W: 15 lbs 4oz. (3 %)

12 months: 27.5 (9%) W: 16 lbs 15 oz) (less than 3%)

What a year! Belle is a tiny thing but she sure is cute!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anabelle's Big Bash!!!!

Anabelle did not want her cake....the cupcake the night before hurt her belly! She started crying and did not want to eat any of it! My sweet baby!
She LOVES this humongous balloon from Nana and Pa Pa!

Anabelle with Great Grandpa Steinmetz
Aidan thought it was hilarious that Pa Pa put on Belle's party hat!
Aidan and Baby Colin

Aidan holding Baby Colin....he is a good big brother and a good older cousin!
Belle and Baby Colin take a break together!
Look at those beautiful eyes...Happy 1st Birthday Belle! We LOVE you!

Birthday Party #2!

We got Anabelle a riding toy but we gave her the small gift on her actual birthday!

Belle loves to play with any kind of ball. She really likes this ball did her brother and sister. The hammer is a crowd favorite!
Yum...yum...she had no problem eating that cupcake right up!

Well, we had a little celebration at our house on Friday night. I got some cupcakes and we sang Happy Birthday! Beth and Ella and Sam were up and we ate some treats and gave her a present! Anabelle loved the cupcake on Friday night. She couldn't get enough! She ate almost the whole thing. Unfortunately, I think it upset her belly and she did not want anything to do with her actual birthday cake on Saturday. She sure looked cute though eating it up!

Birthday Party-#1


Anabelle took some yummy donuts to Ms. Amy's for her birthday party! She loves donuts!

Ms. Amy gave Anabelle a Leap Frog birthday cake and a bib for her birthday! She loves it!
My sweet birthday girl!

April 15th~Anabelle Devaney's Birthday!

Anabelle on her birthday at Ms. Amy's! My girl is 1!

Anabelle when she was born. This is the outfit we took her home in!

I can't believe Anabelle is 1! I remember like it was yesterday going to the doctor and feeling terrible....tired of having contractions and being on bed rest. He said..."Ok, today is the day!" I called Matt who was already at work and told him to come meet me at home because we were having our baby today!" was such an exciting day! Anabelle Devaney came at 7:27 pm on April 15th. She was beautiful then and still is! Absolutely perfect....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

2 peas in a pod!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't this just too cute?

~Cardinal Fans~

Like son....I love my boys!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Twinkle Toes!

Nana bought these shoes for LILY! They are her favorite...she loves them and has worn them every day! They are adorable and she is soooo proud of them! She look slike a big girl!

Too cute...


There is my pretty girl!
This is a toy that all 3 of the kids loved! It is door that has a mailbox, light switch and makes all sorts of noises and has little gadgets in it. It has been a favorite at our house and Belle loves it too!

Belle's can wave!!!!

Belle can wave...if you wave at her then she will wave back. She also likes to wave at birds, strangers, and the TV. It is soooo cute. We have to get it on video!

Monday, April 4, 2011

~Bath Time for Belle~

Anabelle loves bath time! She is so happy when she gets to play in the tub!
My sweet naked baby! I love that cute little bum!
Anabelle's newest trick is where she likes to dip her face in the water and laugh!
This baby loves the bath!!!!

Look who is in the laundry!

I love this BIG SMILE! I never get tired of seeing this happy baby and her gigantic smiles!


Sunday was spent outside...literally all day long. It was such a beautiful day. The kids rode bikes, played ball, blew bubbles. They literally were outside at 6:30 am and we had to catch them to come in at 5:00 pm. was so nice to have such great weather! Matt barbecued and we just had a fun day! All 3 of them sit on the bench! Lily likes to "be the holder".
Matt with the kids....
Matt holds Belle.
Aidan took this picture of us.
Me and the kids!
I get some cuddles from Belle!

This is one handsome boy!